Email Subject Lines That Get Results

Our email inbox is an all-in-one hub for everything we care about: work, family, friends, hobbies, news, entertainment, and more. Yet most of us have a love/hate relationship with email; on a daily basis, our inboxes are bombarded with email after email, all competing for our attention. So how do we tell which emails are […]

{Video} Nonprofits: Blowing Your Mind One Statistic at a Time

“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.” ― John Holmes Mr. Holmes is spot on. Is there even a word to describe the feeling that comes from helping someone out? We think it would be some sort of hybrid combination of charitable, delighted, and intoxicated (de-tox-able?). Whatever […]

Do Nonprofits Need Both Social Media and Email Marketing? Part Two

In our last post, we discussed the importance of a two-pronged digital marketing strategy, with an emphasis on social media.  In this entry, we will dive into the ins and outs of email marketing and why it too is vital to your nonprofits’ outreach.

{Infographic} 6 Ways Nonprofits Can Increase Their Fundraising Efforts

When you hold fundraisers, are you giving plenty of advanced notice? Creating a call to action? Using your social media platforms to continuously update supporters but still not seeing results? Don’t break into a cold sweat yet! A lag in donors contributing to your cause could be due to how trustworthy your nonprofit organization comes […]

Link Building Strategies for 2013: Make Your Website “Link-Worthy”

With Google’s latest Panda and Penguin updates, old school link building techniques are quickly becoming a thing of the past. In Google’s eyes today, a few high-quality, relevant links are vastly more valuable than a large number of low-quality links that have nothing to do with your site’s content. Because of these changes, getting quality […]

{Video} Adoption from Foster Care – The Dickey Family

People set expectations for you from the day you’re born. These are folks who know you’re capable of accomplishing great feats and possess the potential to succeed in life. Many of us are lucky enough to call these people our family. Whether they’re your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, or friends, they push you to do […]

Do Nonprofits Need Both Social Media and Email Marketing? Part One

Nonprofits are resourceful by nature, many times doing more with less.  Each person actually working for a nonprofit organization can wear a multitude of hats, in related or non-related roles, depending on what is required and what resources are available.  It’s this philosophy that frequently finds nonprofits weighing their options in terms of digital outreach […]

Nonprofits Social Media

{Infographic} How the Top 50 Nonprofits Do Social Media

Spreading the word about your nonprofit organization can be as easy as one, two, Tweet! It may be time to consider introducing a social media plan into your marketing campaign. By doing so, you could greatly enhance your donor outreach and increase your supporter engagement. Just ask some of the top Nonprofit Organizations and they’ll […]

mobile websites for nonprofits

5 Reasons Why Mobile Websites are Crucial for Nonprofits

In 2013, Google anticipates that mobile internet traffic will exceed traditional desktop traffic for the first time in history. With web usage on tablets and smartphones on the rise, nonprofits without an established mobile web site may be left in the dark. If your organization doesn’t already have a presence on on this emerging platform, […]

{Video} Why Nonprofits Should Invest Big in Social Media

Five years ago, social media could have been compared to a James Bond flick. You’re either into it or you’re not. Nowadays social media is more like air, meaning it’s EVERYWHERE. With billions of folks using social media, it would be crazy for nonprofit organizations to skip out on this simple and effective way to […]