Every week we blog about the tactics, strategies and best practices for nonprofits to take full advantage of online marketing tools.
7 Inspiring and Unique Fundraising Ideas You Can Steal
/1 Comment/in Email Marketing, Fundraising, General, Nonprofit, Social Media/by Valeo MarketingFundraising can be brutal on organizers, volunteers, and donors alike. You gotta make money, you gotta prove you were not out of your mind when you planned that Under the Sea Gala. The mermaids didn’t put you over budget. It’s crucial for fundraisers to be successful and, because of this, it is even more important […]
4 Ways to Make Your NPO Site Kick Butt in Online Giving
/in Fundraising, General, Nonprofit/by Valeo MarketingThis is a guest post from our friends at Qgiv. We’re very appreciative of them for putting this great content on online donations and nonprofits together for us.
{Infographic} The State of Online Giving
/in General, Infographics, Nonprofit, Social Media/by Valeo MarketingQuick! Name your top three all time favorite parts of the holiday season. How close is your list to mine? 1. Giving an annual gift to a cause you’re passionate about 2. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation 3. Grandma’s Rum Cookies topped off with some warm cinnamon Schnapps icing. And more rum. Ahem…. Let’s tackle number […]