5 Tips to Keep Your Email Appeals Out of the Spam Folder

The rumors are true: Online giving is at an all-time high. Studies show the amount of donations made online have progressively increased over the years, including an 11% growth in 2012. Several factors could account for the ongoing rise in online donations; however, a big one nonprofits can’t afford to dismiss is the power of […]

{Video} Art Road Nonprofit

Our current economic situation isn’t only affecting the job market. Schools across the country are having to cut costs where they can. Unfortunately for some schools, this means putting the kibosh on art programs. Many who see this as a viable option pose the question “What does art have to do with children’s development?” Here […]


How Can Nonprofits Use Twitter Ads?

If you’re an avid Twitter user, you’ve probably encountered a number of sponsored items on your timeline like promoted topics, tweets and search results. Those spots aren’t reserved for just the big-name brands anymore.So, how can nonprofits use twitter ads? Here’s how you can get started. Although Twitter’s advertising platform is invite-only, the network will […]

{Infographic} Social Media Impact By Nonprofit Issues

Social Media Impact By Nonprofit Issues

Although there can only be one Highlander, there are two major social media networks. Can you guess who? I’ll give you a hint… It’s Facebook and Twitter. Ding ding ding! Fact: Social media networks are how millions of people stay up-to-date on current events. It makes perfect sense that nonprofit organizations are using these sites […]

The 5 Nonprofit Email Marketing Rules Every Organization Should Follow

Nonprofit email marketing can be an extremely effective medium for promoting your organization when it’s done correctly. Most email marketing mistakes are an easy fix when you follow the right guidelines. When drafting you’re next email blast, make sure you follow these five essential rules for nonprofit email marketing success. 1. Don’t Ignore Mobile Users The […]


{Video} Austin Nonprofits: The Seedling Foundation

The majority of people are guilty of it, but we just can’t stop ourselves. No matter how hard we try. The dreaded “I’ve gotta over-analyze everything to determine what tomorrow will bring” bug. Instead of living in the present, we find ourselves trying to mimic Miss Cleo and predict the future. Is it going to […]

The Nonprofit Scoop: Google Grants (Part 1)

When you think of nonprofits, which organizations leap to the forefront of your mind? Did you think of big name organizations like The American Red Cross or St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital? What if you’re part of an up-and-coming organization with humongous dreams and colossal goals? How are you reaching out to others and making […]


Advanced Web Ranking – Review

In the world of search engine optimization, metrics matter above all else. This is why—just a few, short months ago—Raven Tools was dealt a considerable blow by Google. After an annual Adwords audit, makers of SEO tools Raven were given an ultimatum: stop providing scraped search engine results page (SERP) data, or lose Google API […]

What's the demographic of your favorite social media platform?

{Infographic} A Case Study in Social Media Demographics

Face it: At some point or another, you’ve fallen under the spell of a social media site and the only word to describe your insatiable need to check your profile every 10 seconds could only be described as “discernibly smitten.” When creating a social media marketing campaign, it’s best to ask yourself “Who am I trying to […]


How to Add a “Like for Gift” Tab to Your Facebook Page

With all the brand spankin’ new additions Facebook has released, it would be a crime for businesses and nonprofit organizations to NOT have a Facebook account. With the addition of paid advertisements based on your budget, the updated Facebook layout, and new app choices, it’s easier to attract fresh meat to you page. Speaking of […]