Small Business Marketing with Facebook

I was ask to speak at a conference today for various small business owners at the Helen Brett Jewelry and Gift show.  The original topic they proposed was about setting up a Facebook page for small businesses. I didn’t wanna talk about setting up a Facebook page My assumption is that most folks have a Facebook presence […]


{Infographic} How Universities are Spending Your Tuition Money

Tuition (too-ish-uhn) n. : A dreaded term capable of producing shivers up even the most courageous parent’s/student’s spine; also known as the ‘Word-That-Must-Not-Be-Spoken’ In recent years, a lack of government subsidy to our higher education institutions have forced schools to compensate by upping tuition costs. Rising costs inevitably lead to the question “Where exactly is […]

Donor Funnel for Nonprofits

Making the Donor Funnel Work for Your Nonprofit

Donations are absolutely critical for almost all nonprofit organizations. Whether large or small, every bit helps; these dollars go towards ensuring your nonprofit can provide essential services for clients, and for the furthering of causes. But to invite donations, there’s more to it than placing a “Donate via PayPal” button on your website. There’s nothing […]

hire our heroes

{Video} Hire Our Heroes

Soldiers are our country’s strong-arm. A valiant group of men and women willing to endure rigorous training and harsh conditions to protect their family, friends, and millions of folks they’ve never even laid eyes on. In the line of duty, our soldiers are confronted with chaos daily. Thousands have faced the loss of best friends […]

4 Ways Successful Universities Get Email Signups

In the early stages of an email marketing campaign, building a large email list can be a daunting task. If you’re just starting out an inbound campaign for your college or university, take into account these 4 ways successful universities get email signups. 1. They Offer Premium Content Today, email subscribers are looking for more of incentive than great […]

{Infographic} The Good & The Bad in Grad School

Thinking of applying to Grad School? You’re not the only one! Thousands of undergraduates pursue grad school annually to obtain stellar careers with higher salaries. But is it really worth the effort? Read what we have to say before establishing your verdict. Let’s start with the “cons” side of our pros and cons list. As […]

The Nonprofit Scoop: Google Grants (Part 2)

Did Part One of our The Nonprofit Dish: Google Grants series convince you to check into Google Grants for your nonprofit organization? Or do you need more info to seal the deal? Either way, we’ve compiled a list of numerous tips meant to save you research time and demonstrate how to fully utilize your Google Grants account. […]

{Video} Bright Minds Scholarship Program

“College is like an unopened book with no title: you have no idea what’s in store, but you know you’re going to learn something.” For a great portion of high schoolers and other individuals bent on advancing academically, college is a goal they’ve set for themselves early on. Sure, the plan sounds simple; Decide on […]

email marketing for universities

5 Steps to a Perfect Applicant Funnel for Your College

Email marketing for universities through inbound marketing is an excellent option for capturing targeted, potential applicants into your email list. To capture students seeking information about colleges and universities, you will need to create and optimize your applicant funnel. A successful applicant funnel will efficiently and effectively convert targeted leads into applicants. Ultimately, maximizing your […]


{Infographic} Social Media & MBA Programs

If you’ve been to our blog before, you know how we feel about nonprofit organizations, businesses, your mom, your cat, and basically everyone in the world utilizing social media. If not (spoiler alert), we’re total fans of social media networking. One industry that’s beginning to take more advantage of social media is higher education. Even […]