Every week we blog about the tactics, strategies and best practices for nonprofits to take full advantage of online marketing tools.

{Infographic} Is Your Nonprofit Ready to Market Online?

Somewhere – at this very moment – a nonprofit has come to the conclusion they’ve hit a wall by only locally marketing their organization. Hell, YOU could be that very organization. Doesn’t matter who it is. What matters is what road you choose to take from here: the next exit or the expressway to a […]

{Infographic} Why Online Marketing is a Big Deal for Nonprofits

In the process of researching today’s infographic post, I stumbled upon this list of 7 Wonderfully Wacky Charities. I called my husband over, forcing him to bask in the glow of hilarity this compilation was sure to offer. We hungrily read each article, searching for some comedic line or tidbit to punch us right in […]

Why Small Nonprofits SHOULD Conduct Donor Research

Plan on holding a fundraiser soon? Sweet! We know you have a grasp on writing compelling email appeals to your current donors. But how are you on locating and cultivating new potential donors? This is where donor research comes in. We think Alfred A. Blum, Director of Institutional Advancement at Boston College Law School, said […]