Every week we blog about the tactics, strategies and best practices for nonprofits to take full advantage of online marketing tools.

{Video} Why Nonprofits Should Invest Big in Social Media

Five years ago, social media could have been compared to a James Bond flick. You’re either into it or you’re not. Nowadays social media is more like air, meaning it’s EVERYWHERE. With billions of folks using social media, it would be crazy for nonprofit organizations to skip out on this simple and effective way to […]

Nonprofit Social Media Series: Automation, Tracking, & the Future

Getting feedback on your efforts allows you to see what’s working. Seeing areas of strength and weakness allows nonprofits to adjust their approach to keep attracting donors and volunteers, without wasting energy on areas that simply do not work. Before putting any online marketing plan into action, it is absolutely essential to put the following […]

{Infographic} The Nonprofit Website Handbook

How does your nonprofit website hold up with your supporters and donors? Would it appeal to your current supporters while also pulling in some fresh faces? Although it can be difficult to judge the website yourself, it can be highly beneficial to step back and view your nonprofit’s site from the perspective of someone else. After […]

Nonprofit and YouTube

Most of us watch online videos daily, so it is only natural that marketing efforts have expanded to include online video for engaging and effective sales tools.