Tag Archive for: nonprofits

{Video} Why Nonprofits Should Invest Big in Social Media

Five years ago, social media could have been compared to a James Bond flick. You’re either into it or you’re not. Nowadays social media is more like air, meaning it’s EVERYWHERE. With billions of folks using social media, it would be crazy for nonprofit organizations to skip out on this simple and effective way to […]

Non-profits and Facebook

Facebook works as a prolific companion in the world of nonprofit organizations. You not only have the ability to reach supporters; you’re also placing yourself within range of supporters friends and family. One click of the “Like” button by a supporter, volunteer or donor creates potential for word of your cause to spread. A 2012 […]

Nonprofit and the All-Powerful Blog

At the heart of every great website is its content. For years now, blogs have become the central location on websites where the voice of the website’s owners can be heart. Some write a few paragraphs. Others write several pages. Some post photos. No matter the medium, these are all expressions of the writer’s knowledge […]

The Best Social Media Sites for Nonprofits

Whether your nonprofit is just squeaking by with a very modest budget or has thousands of dollars at its disposal, social media and charitable organizations were made for each other. Attracting, engaging, and moving people to action are critical for nonprofits and their mission to make a tangible difference in society. With social media, the […]