Exciting New Feature on Facebook

Big News in the Social Media world!! As we’ve talked about often, Facebook is rapidly becoming THE go-to tool for Social Media Marketing. Businesses are jumping on the bandwagon and bringing entirely new facets to the art of client interaction. Facebook, has finally provided something that businesses have been requesting for some time: a migration […]

Hiring a social media strategist is a bad idea

B.L. Ochman has kept me entertained with his various articles poking fun at the proliferation of people claiming to be social media gurus. His most recent article about how the number of self-proclaimed “social media guru” titles has gone down but other, but new titles are emerging got me thinking: Hiring a [social media] strategist, […]

Use the Right Tools to Find More Candidates for Placements

I was asked to speak to NPA Worldwide, a global organization of personnel professionals, in a workshop for recruiters. Social media and recruiting go hand-in-hand, especially in today’s climate where finding the ideal candidate is the name of the game.

Produce great content that will get people talking

Successful social media marketing requires much more than just knowing how to use the tools; you’ve got to produce something that gets people talking!