{Infographic} The Higher Ed Outreach Conundrum: Digital vs Traditional
As a higher education institution, we know you have it rough when it comes to fully embracing the internet. Do you finally release your white-knuckled grip on traditional communication methods, such as printed newsletters and magazines, to take full advantage of social media and email? Or can you find a way to please everyone?
If you’re shaking your head right now, saying “No, mysterious lady blogger, my mama always told me there’s no pleasing everyone. We have to move forward.” The term ‘move forward’ may be replaced by ‘go back to our roots’ by the old souls or ‘go to Wally World’ by those who just don’t know what the hell is going on. Amirite, Clark Griswold?
Those who believe they don’t have the power to keep everyone happy need to be smacked in the face with a horse mackerel. The infographic below is based on a survey asking both current students and alumni if social media is important to them. As you can see, when it comes to using social media and email, students and alumni alike are basically on the same page. However, scrolling further down shows the real battle waging between digital outreach vs. traditional outreach. Several students and alumni (make that over half) would still love to receive a printed newsletter once or twice a year. So what’s a school to do?
We want to hear your opinion! Do you believe colleges should stick with generating printed materials with a dash of technology sprinkled here and there? Or is it time to move forward and kiss traditional methods goodbye? Leave us a comment below with your opinion!
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