3 Tips for Universities to Make the Best of Knowledge-Sharing Blogs
Remember the first time you yanked a toy out of your sibling’s hand just because you wanted it? Or the first time you threw a tantrum because sharing your M&M’s with friends would mean LESS M&M’s for you? As children, learning to share your personal belongings is one of the most difficult challenges we are faced with. Over time, it becomes easier to see the importance of sharing not only your belongings, but information as well. Sharing knowledge with others promotes innovative thinking and provides others with a self-serve method of locating answers to their questions. This is why it’s absolutely vital for universities and colleges to produce knowledge-sharing blog posts on a regular basis.
Let’s start from the top. Knowledge-sharing blog posts are exactly what they sound like: A blog post written to educate students on college life, procedures, programs and courses. For example, say you’re very well-versed in your school’s real estate MBA program. You may want to address questions regarding the program or industry. The point is to pass on your knowledge in an attempt to both answer questions and provide clarification on a topic.
Why should you write knowledge-sharing blog posts?
Reason #1: To help students easily locate answers to their specific questions.
Reason #2: To boost your website’s search engine optimization (SEO).
Reason #3: To transform your university’s blog into a “go-to” college reference or source location.
Tips of the Trade
The reasons are clear: Knowledge-sharing blog posts give you nothing but good internet karma! Use the three tips we have included below to help get you started.
Tip #1: Identify a Topic or Point Needing Clarification
Start by finding out what questions students are asking. Do students post questions on your school’s Facebook page or in the comments section of your blog posts? Create a list of the questions you can answer.
No questions coming in? Don’t take this as a sign you shouldn’t be sharing your knowledge! Try placing yourself in a potential student’s position. As an individual fresh out of high school, what would you want to learn?
Tip #2: Get the Details
Although you may have a broad understanding of a topic (maybe even bordering on “expert”), a little research never hurt anyone. Utilize online sources to grab just about everything covering a subject. Remember, your goal is to create a one-stop blog post over the designated topic.
Perform a significant amount of keyword research using Adwords to increase the chances of your blog post being discovered. Doing so will help you to locate the most commonly searched for keywords, giving your school the advantage.
Tip #3: Share ALL the Things!
Time to publish your posts! List your resources and don’t forget to credit those who contributed. If you’re using a content management system, such as WordPress, try creating a new category for your knowledge-sharing blog posts to promote easier access. To push your school’s knowledge revolution, encourage other faculty or knowledgeable audience members to contribute when possible.
Remember the wise words your kindergarten teacher taught you: “Sharing is caring.” Use the tips listed above and consistently answer questions as you receive them. Does your university or college produce knowledge-sharing blog posts? Leave us a comment below telling us about your experiences and what topics you’ve covered.
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