{Infographic} The Future of Higher Education
What does the future hold for higher education? If only my DeLorean wasn’t in the shop with a busted flux capacitor. *grumbles*
Before delving into the future of higher education, let’s take a bite out of the present. The recent developments within college classrooms have been ones for the digital textbooks (Totally a thing now!). A recent study aimed at higher education institutions and conducted by PewInternet.org reported 77% of the colleges surveyed offer online courses. Other recent advancements include cloud-based computing, mobile connectivity, and onlines services like iTunes U.
Examining the present is easy as 3.14. Predicting the future of higher education is bit hazy, even to the most seasoned soothsayer. Our economic situation pared with possible faculty shortages will play a major role in what will pan out. From observing past advancements, it’s safe to conclude we’ll most likely witness more online student-centric technology coming our way. With the pace at which technology and the internet have grown to accommodate the higher education industry, there’s no stopping it from growing threefold.
Read more possible scenarios regarding the future of higher education in the infographic below. What do you believe the next big change for higher ed will be? Leave a comment below telling us what you think!
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