The MED Foundation and SMS of the Mid-South
Its been a great week so far! We found out today that our proposal was accepted by a unanimous vote by the board of The MED Foundation, so we’re very excited to welcome them as Valeo’s newest client. We are really jazzed about this project because we are going to really flex our skills and tie our marketing efforts into their site by producing a highly interactive site that is going to quickly and effectively involve the community, which is just what the doctor ordered (horrible pun intended).
The new MED Foundation site is going to allow us to show off some of our recent progress by developing a site that uses Facebook Connect to truly take advantage of the viral nature of the Internet. This will tie in perfectly to all of our marketing efforts that will begin once the site is completed.
In other news- I’ve also been voted in to the Board of Directors for the Sales & Marketing Society of the Midsouth to serve as the Director of Social Media. I’m honored to join this organization in a newly created position to help bring a new viewpoint on how we can reach new and current members through effective and innovative uses of social media. More to come on this in the coming weeks. I’ll be working with the other board members to try to define exactly how I can best serve the board and the organization. I’m sure much of that will be posted here or on Twitter, so I’ll keep you posted.
Where’s the marketing tip in this post?
Oh yeah, I’m supposed to offer a nugget of Internet marketing wisdom! I need to get out of here so I can get some dinner, so I’ll keep this brief:
Stay away from social networks that you’re thinking of joining just because you know someone else on them. Narrow your focus and make sure you’re not diluting your time with social networks that don’t help you further your goals. In English: don’t waste time on MySpace if you’re trying to market your corporate insurance company, etc.
Ok, that’s it for tonight. Be well!