7 Benefits of Link Building
Link Popularity refers to the number of links pointing to your website from other websites on the Web
Generally Search Engines consider your website important and rank it high in Search Engine Result pages (SERPs) if other websites link to your website. Link Building improves the Search Engine Ranking of your webpage if done in specific ways. Besides an improved Search Engine Ranking, there are certain other benefits that your website derives from carrying out a Link Building Campaign. In this article we list out other benefits of Link Building apart from an improved Search Engine Ranking. Link Popularity is usually viewed in isolation, and most of the people do not realize the complete benefits of a well-defined link building campaign . While improvement in Search Engine rankings for specific keywords is a very important objective of link building, it is not the “only” way a link building campaign can be beneficial to a website.
Listed below are the 7 benefits of Link Building:
1. Anchor text
Anchor text is the text that falls within a hyperlink leading to another page. The Anchor Text of Incoming Links plays a major role in your website’s ranking in the search engine result pages. Anchor text is very important from ranking point of view as your most important keywords are used in the links pointing to your website which help in gaining rankings in Search Engine Result Pages . For wider keyword coverage, you can work with different link text options. It is important to have a number of combinations of anchor texts and associated link texts, so that the linking does not have a fixed pattern that the search engines can detect. This has become even more significant due to recent Algorithm updates of major Search Engines. If you have more number of quality links pointing to your website, the keywords within your anchor text would benefit your website’s ranking greatly for those particular keywords. The web page of your site that the link is pointing to should also be optimized for that keyword(s) in order to properly influence rankings. To read more about Anchor Text Optimization please read the article “Anchor Text Optimization”
2. PageRank
PageRank is Google’s measure of importance assigned to a web page on a scale of 1 to 10. By undertaking a long-term link building campaign , you can boost your website’s PageRank and improve your website’s ranking significantly. Most other major search engines have adopted this logic in their own algorithms in some form or the other, varying the importance they assign to this value in ranking websites in their search engine result pages. Search Engines consider your website more important if more links point to your website.
3. Direct Traffic
Link Building also benefits you by way of getting direct traffic to your website. Incoming links from other websites would surely pay high dividends, as users are likely to click on that link and visit your website, thus bringing you direct traffic. The links placed on relevant pages would enhance the amount of relevant traffic to your website. A well planned Linking Popularity Building Campaign can also help you target your potential customer market and thus increasing the amount of valuable traffic to your site and thus even help improve your sales to some extent.
4. Deep Indexing
Another important benefit of Link Building is that a webpage embedded deep in your website too stands good chance of being indexed by the search engines. An external link leading to a page embedded deep in your site would help that webpage get indexed by the search engines, which would have otherwise taken a very long time (up to 3 to 4 months.)
While indexing a page, search engines would also index the links leading from that page even if they are embedded very deep in your site structure. Search engines while indexing that particular page would also learn about the other links within your website and move on to index other pages too.
5. Indexing Dynamic Pages
Many of the Search Engines used to find it difficult to index the dynamic pages. With links pointing to dynamic pages the search engines would index those dynamic pages too. Optimizing dynamic pages is little tricky, but you can have your dynamic pages rank well for various keywords with the help of Link Building techniques. A perfect match of Only Incoming Links and keywords in the Anchor Text can do wonders to boost the organic ranking of the dynamic pages in your site.
6. Wider Search Engine Coverage
Link Building gives your website wider search engine coverage. In many Search engines you might have not submitted your website, but in due course of time, the search engines will identify and pick up links to your website from other websites they recognize and index your site.
This includes some important paid search engines (such as MSN, Askjeeves) that you may not have submitted your website to them. All search engines do not list your website for free, but would pick a link to your website from other websites they recognize, and eventually list your website in their result pages.
7. Leading Competition
Link Building would also mean that your website stays ahead of your competition for your targeted keywords. More the number of Only Incoming Links pointing to your web pages, higher it gets ranked in the search engine results pages . Using your targeted keyword phrases in the links text would ensure a good ranking for your targeted keywords in the SERP’s .