Fundraising Campaigns
Automated campaigns can be engaging and fun. Whoever said robots don’t have a sense a humor never met ours.
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Keywords here:
This isn’t selling cookies, we’re making connections and building relationships.
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We believe in honesty and transparency. We won’t tell you what you want to hear just to get you to sign a contract, and we won’t sign on to do work that we don’t believe will pay off for you. You may not rank highest for the most competitive keywords, but we will find the SEO-corner that you can dominate. We will also send you reports that are both detailed and simple to understand, letting you know what’s working well, what’s not working so well, and what we’re going to do to make it better.
You need to know your budget. SEO is not fast, and it is not cheap. It’s a long-term investment that consistently helps you extend your reach. Returns are determined by how much you’re able and willing to invest. If you aren’t entirely sure what your budget should be, we can help you work it out.
Many clients come to us who have been burned by SEO agencies in the past. We’ve had some clients who had spent thousands of dollars and hadn’t heard from their team in months. That doesn’t happen here. You’ll hear from us often, and always know what’s going on with your campaigns and where your money is going. If you have any additional questions or concerns, your dedicated campaign and project managers are always within reach.
Stop broadcasting and begin a real conversation.
What is Marketing Automation?
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How long will it take?
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Can we start small and build once we see some results?
This approach just doesn’t work. For this reason, we can’t take on projects with too little a budget. The reason is pretty simple: Tiny budgets see tiny results, you won’t be happy with those results, and we aren’t happy when our clients are unhappy.
What is my responsibility?
You don’t have to be an expert in order to work with us, but we do rely on our clients to be involved. We need your expertise, along with all the knowledge about your students, your donors, and your university. We will handle everything else, but if you can’t devote the time to work with us when it’s needed, we cannot be successful as a team.
What’s it cost?
As with most investments, you should determine your budget based on what you expect to get out of it.
How will I know if it’s working?
We’re obsessed with metrics and reporting, and look at all the numbers on a regular basis. Most importantly, we craft all this data into easy-to-understand monthly reports so that you can see how your money is performing. We also go over these in regular meetings with you when we discuss our next steps.