SEO: How to Write Optimized Blog Posts
When starting a blogging campaign for your website, SEO content writing (especially for blog posts) can feel like a daunting task. With a little strategy and persistence, content marketing and blogging can help you can increase your ranking all while producing some great content for visitors to your website to check out.
If you’re getting started and have no idea how to write with SEO in mind, don’t worry. It’s just like writing anything else, but with a keyword strategy in mind. Here are a few tips I’ve picked up while learning the ropes of SEO writing:
1. Keep Your Keyword List By Your Side
When I begin writing a blog post for a client, the number one thing to find out is the keyword strategy. More than likely, if you’re blogging for SEO, you’ve already selected the keywords you’re planning to target. Once I have that information, I make sure I have it to look out when I’m writing. This way, you’ll have a visual reminder of what keywords you need to be getting in your writing. Its easy to get lost, especially if you are trying to use too many different keywords in a single post. While it never hurts to maxmize the number of keywords, it’s easy pick out the terms a few terms you want to target in the post you’re writing and stick to them.
2. Your writing should be high quality, but your number one goal is keyword density.
If you’re writing a blog post for SEO, the name of the game is keyword density. That is, home many of whichever keywords you’re optimizing your blog post. Try to get those quality keywords usages in there as often as possible. Sometimes, this may make your content sound repetitive or awkward, but in SEO keywords trump style. Remember though, while it’s important to fill your body copy with keywords, it still should be sense and be readable. It is possible to go overboard, and too many keywords might make your post sound like it was written by an SEO machine. The point is: if you think adding a keyword will violate rules of writing style, don’t worry about it.
3. Write Several Posts and Publish Them Out Over Time
When I discuss blogging with clients, one of the comments I hear more often than anything is “I don’t have the time.” Scheduling your posts can be your best friend when it comes to keeping blogging consistant. It’s much easier to sit down, keyword list in hand, and get some a month’s worth of posts done rather than do one every week. If you’re a small business owner starting a blogging campaign, chances are you won’t have an open hour every week to write a blog. Instead, when you have some time, write three or four quality posts and set them to go out when you feel they should. This can be once a week, one every other week, or how often you feel they should be published. Remember, Google values consistency in new content, and a blogs give search engines fresh keyword rich content that will boost your rankings.
So that’s it. Try these tips out and you may just be one step closer to becoming an SEO blogging master.