Produce great content that will get people talking

Successful social media marketing requires much more than just knowing how to use the tools; you’ve got to produce something that gets people talking!

The PLET Method for Successfully Using Twitter

The PLET method for understanding and successfully using Twitter for your business: Post, Listen, Engage, & Track

Don’t Have a Creepy Brand, Use Social Media Tools

Today I read this great article from Rob Clark called How to Engage without Stalking and Converse without Creepiness and it really rang true since I had an experience today that was so relevant: Earlier, I had a brief conversation on Twitter with the Product Manager for Camtasia Studio, Troy Stein. He sent me a […]

Part 2: How to Track Links and URLs with Social Media

Now that you know how to create URLs that can be tracked and measured, let’s get into a little more about how you can use them, and ways to streamline the process. I use links for every single thing that we post on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and also in email newsletters.  The majority of […]

Part 1: How to Track Links and URLs with Social Media

There is a lot of talk about the ROI of social media. This is a tough thing to judge- no one will argue that point. But there are things that you can do to ensure that you’re recognizing if your efforts are having any kind of positive effect. I get asked about this a lot so I’m going to do 2-part guide that hopefully you’ll find useful.

How to Use Social Media Marketing for Business

Presentation to the Young Adviser’s Team on Social Media Marketing and How to Use it for Business

Facebook Continues to Lead the Charge for More Social

Facebook connect has opened up a whole new world for developers to tie into the most popular social site out there, and now- they make it available for iPhone

Small Business Chamber – Memphis, TN

Thoughts from our presentation to the Small Business Chamber about ROI Marketing

The MED Foundation and SMS of the Mid-South


How to build a site with ‘draw’ for visitors

I’ve been talking to a lot of people in the last few weeks who have a need to develop a more established presence on the web. This is a pretty common question in online marketing: how do I develop a website that produces results? The answer is different things for different people/businesses, but you can […]