Identify a group of closely related keywords to define the scope of an article. Including too many keyword phrases in one article can dilute focus and results.
Writing good articles on your industry and publishing them on relevant content sites is a useful way of boosting your incoming links and direct click-through traffic. Many sites allow you to place a link to your site within the text of the article.
There are many search engines, Google in particular, that frown on mirror sites or duplicate content. If Google finds that a site is a mirror of another (have resembling content), it tends to devalue the mirror site. The problem is that Google may not be able to decide, which site is original, so you may get your main site devalued. You should take special care to keep your articles content as original as possible and discourage your affiliates from copying your site’s content. You might want to use tools like Article Checker to check the resemblance of your content.
Newsworthy keyword optimized press release is a valuable source of traffic to your website. If optimized properly, press releases improve your rankings on Search Engines and also help you show up in other related sections like Google News. Article Syndication increases your chances of garnering additional press from other media entities.
Don’t forget to use your most important keywords in the title of your article as many people who link to you article use the words in the title as anchor text to link to the article page.
When one’s articles or product information is syndicated, it is much better to have the syndicated copies linked to the original article on the author’s site, instead of linking them to the home page of the author. You may want to check out what Matt Cutts has to say about article syndication in an interview with Stephen Spencer.
Syndicate press releases regularly. Take the time to make it news worthy and email it to some hand picked journalists and bloggers. Writing a personalized email to them is the key to success. Also, you may want to submit it to websites like PRWeb, PRLeap, etc.
Make sure your article is actually informative and not self-promotional, as people might get turned off with such a sales-like tone and some sources might even reject your article submission request. Linking URL to your website (within the article) and a small author bio is all you need to guide traffic to your website.
Article syndication is also useful to establish your website as a preferred brand in the online market. If a user enters a keyword and finds not only your website, but also your syndicated articles ranking for that keyword, it helps building the trust as an expert in the relevant industry. You need to make sure that all your syndicated articles are properly optimized, relevant and contain information that is truly useful to the readers.
Article marketing is definitely a numbers game. The higher the number of articles you submit, better the traffic and branding results you get. So choose one of the higher ranked article directories and go deep with lots of articles on that one directory and others. Marketing Marketing2011-12-02 11:41:362021-04-09 15:31:38Article Syndication Tips – Part 1